Federació Catalana Fotografía

by Xerintel Internet Technologies SL



The Catalan Federation of Photography, will be on November 9, 1982 for the necessity, to attach the work and the efforts of the entitats of our country, moltes in a trajectòria danys and altres just finished neixer. Moltes entitats are just developing, dins of the local ambit but with an intense photographic life, sense to think that their serious work could be connected to other populations; The Federation tries, doncs, to be the mitjà dagermanament and of connexió of all the els that have affected the photography to Catalonia.The interests that are in the hands of the Federation, is to disseminate and promote photography. It is in this finality that we intend to disseminate a quarterly magazine, sponsorship of competitions, exhibitions, scored for obtaining the titles of Artist and Master of the Federation, because of jurats for contests with sponsorship, courses, conferences, assessorament per The organization of competitions and exhibitions, processing of FIAP titles, organization of Catalan shows, etc ...Here you will find a list of Catalan entities, I am sure that in tens some a la teva població, or some of molt propera. You just want to know that there you will find a group of people who share the teva affected, the photography. If the teva affected the photograph, put it in contact with an entity, if there is a group of companys that shared the matter affected, you will be able to found an entity and therefore the seva created per desprès, the Federation will be with you.